I feel like Kajii would not approve of this vegan hot dog made out of a carrot, but it made for a good #LunchAndBook treat on a hot day. I‘m still on team #LoveIt and am looking forward to the discussion next week for #CampLitsy
I feel like Kajii would not approve of this vegan hot dog made out of a carrot, but it made for a good #LunchAndBook treat on a hot day. I‘m still on team #LoveIt and am looking forward to the discussion next week for #CampLitsy
Page 149 and I'm not so enthused like other readers. I don't know why, perhaps I had read too many dystopian novels?
#dystopie #librarybook
Galette avec saucisson et oeuf et vin de rose
#lunchandbook school edition. High hopes for this one because @kdwinchester recommended it to me not knowing I had to read it for sociology!
#lunchandbook time!!! Lots of greens and whites in funky salad. Kind of goes with my wacky read ☺️ #ookbookclub
#lunchandbook making my through the color of magic. School work has been taking over my reading time. Just 5 weeks left to this semester! #ookbookclub
#lunchandbook thing 1‘s leftovers from her fancy lunch downtown are my lunch today. Chicken fried rice and a spring roll. Plus the 3rd book in this series that I‘ve been devouring.
#lunchandbook at my desk today. Salmon patties, tartar, cottage cheese, and a chocolate striped delight for dessert, plus my Diet Pepsi addiction continues...
😭Who is cutting up onions in the office??? *sniff*
What a beginning. Maybe I found it so moving because it made me think of my own dad...I just love how a book written by someone who doesn't even know you, can bring you to tears. It just speaks to the universality of our emotions and what connects us.
#CurrentlyReading #Sniffles #GetTheOnionsOutOfTheOffice #LunchandBook
Finished my lunch and my book. Now off to my next appointment, although I'll be thinking about my book review for the rest of the day. #nonfictionchallenge17 #bookblogger #lunchandbook