Plowing through and finally getting to the good stuff! I have read this book so, so many times and I'm hoping I enjoy the ride this time, too! #JulyTradition #TheBoyWhoLived
Plowing through and finally getting to the good stuff! I have read this book so, so many times and I'm hoping I enjoy the ride this time, too! #JulyTradition #TheBoyWhoLived
I love a rainy Sunday for reading all day long! Today I move onto Book 3 and finally start getting into the heart of the story. I'm still feeling ambivalent about finishing all seven books, but then, Books 1 and 2 are my least favorite; it's likely I'll pick up steam here. Either way, I'm pressing on for now into what has historically been one of my favorites in the series. #JulyTradition #TheBoyWhoLived
Returning to a series that once meant so much brings out a lot of emotion- especially now, when my feelings about the author have been incredibly negative. I'm not quite sure how to re-engage and I find myself scrutinizing the text for anything reductive or harmful instead of losing myself in the story. Littens, how do you approach problematic faves? Is there any point in returning? Anyway, here goes Book 2; onward! #JulyTradition #TheBoyWhoLived
I used to read this series every July, but I haven't for several years. The author's transphobia really upsets me and I"ve had no desire to re-visit her world, to be excited about a story that preaches inclusivity and love while the author uses her platform to harm marginalized people. But I want to reclaim these books, for my own memories and for what the story has meant to me. We'll see how far I get; here we go! #TheBoyWhoLived #JulyTradition
My #seriesreread has finally come to an end! Thank YOU for putting up with 21 straight days of Harry Potter posts. But mostly thank you to Jo Rowling for writing an adventure that never gets old and has meant so much to millions of us. #julytradition #theboywholived
Actual footage of me having finished HP7, a book I've read easily 50 times and still cry at every. single. time. #allthetears #ridiculous #julytradition #theboywholived
Neville Longbottom forever. ❤❤❤ #julytradition #seriesreread #theboywholived
Nearing the end of my #seriesreread with the aid of some favorite summer florals- lavender chocolate, elderflower and rose lemonade, and rose liqueur. #booksandbooze #julytradition #theboywholived