I'm going to start Juniper Lemon today. I've heard good things about this so I'm looking forward to reading it.
I'm going to start Juniper Lemon today. I've heard good things about this so I'm looking forward to reading it.
Recent book buy! I'm so excited to read this while taking part in the annual BookTubeAThon! This was their book pick for this year and it sounds really good! ☺️💕
#juniperlemonshappinessindex #julieisrael
I received this in the mail yesterday. It follows Juniper as she comes to terms with her sister's death. I think.
I love this cover. It's so pretty 😍😍😍
Got two books on the go. #buddyreading #ninalacour with my friend Clare, and #previewing #julieisrael for #RSO they have both sucked me in. #twobooks #currentlyreading