3.8/5 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️🌟 - This book grabbed my attention from the beginning. Jessica Farris, a makeup artist in need of money, signs up for an anonymous psychological study on morality and ethics, conducted by an elusive Dr. Shields. Jessica speaks honestly and bares her inner secrets to Dr. Shields in her initial sessions. Dr. Shields offers Jessica an opportunity to participate in a social experiment beyond the confines of a computer. 👇🏼👇🏼
Jess7 (2) {continued } Enticed by the offer of generous compensation, Jessica accepts. Jessica quickly gets caught up in a web of deceit, jealousy, paranoia, fear, and murder. This book is suspenseful, but for those of you that read their first book, The Wife Between Us, be forewarned The Anonymous Girl, while suspenseful, lacks the explosive twist that their first book had. 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 (edited) 6y
Jess7 (3) {continued} If you read very many thrillers like I do, you will likely be able to see where this book is headed, but that doesn‘t take too much away from the suspense. I enjoyed it and will continue to read these talented author‘s novels. #jpbookreview #arc #thegreeneyedreader Thank you to #stmartinspress [#partner ] for the free arc. All opinions are my own. #review #bookreview #ananonymousgirl #thewifebetweenus #botm #bookofthemonth (edited) 6y
Jess7 #jpbookreview2019 #2019books #jpbookreview (edited) 6y
Crazeedi Great review! Thanks! 6y