#Received my prize from @Amy-Laura for the #bankholidaygiveaway This has been in my TBR list for ages so I couldn‘t be happier. In addition I got a wonderful pen pal out of it! #giveaway #prize #penpal #longbourn #jobaker
#Received my prize from @Amy-Laura for the #bankholidaygiveaway This has been in my TBR list for ages so I couldn‘t be happier. In addition I got a wonderful pen pal out of it! #giveaway #prize #penpal #longbourn #jobaker
#seasonsreadings2016 #janeaustenadaptations
Picking my favorite Austen would be like picking my favorite child, so here's my fave book adaptation. I've read so many but this one takes the cake.
#jobaker #longbourn #janeausten
"She was a mermaid, sir, and my father was a ferryman, so...."
What a fascinating read this one has been. Expecting a fantasy novel when I picked it up and read the back I find myself surprised by the hard, harsh and cruel reality in which this story is grounded.
#JoBaker #TheMermaidsChild #BritLit #Mermaid