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Love the book stamp you can get put in your books in Libreria London

squirrelbrain Both books look great! ❤️ 2d
RaeLovesToRead Is this... non fiction? A story?? 2d
Oryx @RaeLovesToRead the bear one? Non fiction about hacking. Sounds really interesting, but also had a bear on it, so sold. 2d
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RaeLovesToRead It was the fancy bear that made me think it might be a story 2d
Oryx @RaeLovesToRead I know, it sounds like some magical realism. Apparently it's a Russian cyber espionage group 🤷 who knew? 2d
RaeLovesToRead I feel someone needs to write "The Adventures of Fancy Bear" and it not be about that 2d
julesG Recently watched a documentary about the bears. Scary stuff. 1d
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I found the narration of this quite well paced and its focus on Amazon.com right from initiation to the behemoth it is now.

The Circle | Dave Eggers
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Dave Eggars! I loved The Circle and can‘t wait to read more of his work. #SundayFunday

BookmarkTavern Nice! Thanks for posting! 1w
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Scott Shapiro, Yale Professor: “Suppose, however, I want to send some of my writings to my friend at Stanford? (This is hypothetical, of course: I have no friends at Stanford)”.

NotCool Petty academic slights are a few of my favorite things. 2w
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Enjoying the tagged library ebook at work when I realized I could fit my ereader in the pocket of my dress, which made me realize I will be wearing this dress forever now.

An excellent book, this was a part of my teaching transformative texts reading list. I‘m so grateful I have this opportunity to learn about this program. So far it‘s been wonderful, both the book and the course!

Clare-Dragonfly That is an excellent dress! 2w
StaceGhost @Clare-Dragonfly thank you! I require dresses with large pockets and this is why! 2w
Crazeedi Pockets in everything are a must!! 2w
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curiouserandcurioser @StaceGhost my daughter's wedding dress has pockets:) 2w
StaceGhost @curiouserandcurioser ooooo! I love that! Perfect for those interminable photo shoots lol 5d
StaceGhost @Crazeedi I agree! I‘m tempted to cut a place for pockets in all my clothes without them 5d
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This should right up my alley, but I found it kind of dry when I first started reading it, and now the moment has passed. Off to the LFL it goes!

It wasn‘t a good month for reading magazines either, but perhaps I can catch up a little in May?

Meanwhile, I managed to acquire “only” six books at Malice Domestic. Three of them were free, and of the ones I bought only one is for me. Just don‘t ask about the swag!

#readordonate #monthlymagazineblitz

julieclair Hmmm Because Internet looks really interesting to me, too. But dry, not so much, lol! 1mo
julieclair I think only six books is perfectly fine, especially since free ones and books you‘re giving as gifts don‘t count! 😉 And swag? What swag? I don‘t see any swag. 🫣 1mo
slategreyskies Add me to the “swag? What swag?” group! I love swag! 🤣 1mo
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Susanita @julieclair @slategreyskies Let‘s just say I won‘t need a new bookmark for the rest of my life. 1mo
slategreyskies Haha! 🙋🏻‍♀️ same! 🤣 1mo
julieclair @susanita 👍👍😂 1mo
Suet624 Are you trying to get through New Yorkers? Because I have a really hard time reading books and getting through my NYers.
Susanita @Suet624 I‘m trying to get through back issues of Real Simple. New Yorkers would be a bridge too far! 1mo
Suet624 😂😂😂 1mo
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Eggs Well chosen 👏🏻👏🏻 2mo
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LikeWar: The Weaponization of Social Media | P. W. Singer, Emerson T. Brooking
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“The web that many connected to years ago is not what new users will find today. What was once a rich selection of blogs and websites has been compressed under the powerful weight of a few dominant platforms. This concentration of power creates a new set of gatekeepers, allowing a handful of platforms to control which ideas and opinions are seen and shared.”

AnnCrystal It's becoming all the more scarier with AI...😳🥺🧐. 2mo
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The principal at my school got fired, our English department chair lost that position, and the two teachers who assigned this book to AP English students got letters in their file ... #controversyoverload.

RebL I read this so long ago that I don‘t remember what in it would cause people to lose their job? My take was that we have to learn anew why we got rid of shaming in the public square. 3mo
dabbe @RebL Ronson included real e-mails that were quite vulgar, racist, sexist, you name it. But he did that to show the unbelievable hate-rage of some people. All the ONE parent who started the whole s(*5-show read were the emails and not the entire book--which is my #1 peeve with anyone who tries to ban a book. You must read the whole darn thing, people! This parent went straight to the media and our school was “publicly shamed“ by the incident. 3mo
RebL 😳😒😤 Not even sure what to say. Also, you probably already thought of the things I would say. 3mo
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DebinHawaii I‘ve not ever read this but it sounds like I should! Stacking.📚 3mo
Amiable This was a great book. It scared the crap out of me in that it really showcased the dangers of using social media. Which is a message high school students (and everyone else) should hear. 3mo
dabbe @RebL I am with you 💯 on what you're not saying. Thanks. 😍 3mo
dabbe @DebinHawaii It was bandaid-off-the-scab riveting. 😘 3mo
dabbe @Amiable #amensoulsista! 🤩😍😃 3mo
CarolynM 😡 Ridiculous! The media should be shamed for their irresponsible behaviour in stirring up controversy. 3mo
dabbe @CarolynM Agree 💯. I guess controversy creates sales in this capitalistic society. #argh 3mo
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Unquestionably the best book of the year so far. Highly recommended for literally everyone who uses computers or has a smartphone, and especially women interested in the lost histories of women innovators.