Chapter 22: Lucy takes her letter to the garret for privacy…. #avoidinggenevra #ghostnun #oneandthesamemaybe #hmmmmmm #callsforhelp #drjohnissorude #whenwillsheadmitshesinlove #ithinkheknows #icouldbewrong #wouldntbethefirsttime #pemberlittens
Chapter 22: Lucy takes her letter to the garret for privacy…. #avoidinggenevra #ghostnun #oneandthesamemaybe #hmmmmmm #callsforhelp #drjohnissorude #whenwillsheadmitshesinlove #ithinkheknows #icouldbewrong #wouldntbethefirsttime #pemberlittens
Hi fellow Littens, Question!!
I‘m watching the Witcher on Netflix (only 3 episodes in but I really like it!)
Has anyone who read the books, watched the TV show yet? Is it true to the books? Should I read the books? I love fantasy and I‘m super curious!!
Any advice welcome 😊😊
#thewitcher #thewitcherseries
A bizarre memoir of a boy being dumped by his mother with her even more bizarre psychiatrist and his crazy family. Truly one of the weirdest books I've read and almost unbelievable that this actually happened! #somethingforsept #weirdbooks