Another student gift brag: a box of tea as big as me that's shaped like a book! I'll have so many #hotdrinkandbook posts soon, I'm sure, but I didn't know there was such a thing as hot drink IN a book. 😅😆😀📚🍵
Another student gift brag: a box of tea as big as me that's shaped like a book! I'll have so many #hotdrinkandbook posts soon, I'm sure, but I didn't know there was such a thing as hot drink IN a book. 😅😆😀📚🍵
#seasonsreadingd2016 #hotdrinkandbook I really wish I was able to read now but instead I'm wrapping gifts. I've just had to clear space on the floor to take this pic. At least I've some books to wrap. 😩
#seasonsreadings2016 #hotdrinkandbook Hot Lemon Zinger tea and a pink book. Hello Winter. 😂
I just picked this up for my TBR shelf last night! I'm thinking this will be my first read for #ListyAtoZ! So excited! This has been on my mental TBR for a long time! Nothing quite as satisfying as finally buying a book you've been wanting to buy for months! Now, to enjoy my Lemon Ginger Tea and impatiently wait for 2017 - I swear I can wait! Really!
#HotDrinkAndBook ☕️📚💕 #SeasonsReadings2016 @RealLifeReading @BookishMarginalia
No book since I'm at work, but here's my hot drink in the darling mug my co-workers got me for Christmas. It's a Starbucks mug that you personalize yourself with a paint pen and then bake to set the paint. "The secret to a balanced life is a cup of tea in one hand and a book in the other" #seasonsreadimgs2016 #hotdrinkandbook
#seasonsreadings2016 #hotdrinkandbook Audiobook that is! I hope to finish this behemoth today.
Continuing in my quest to meet my goodreads goal (8 to go) a little YA is called for with my morning coffee. Have been meaning to check this one out for a while. So far so good. #hotdrinkandbook #seasonsreadings2016