This book debunks everything to do with HH Holmes and how he wasn‘t the killer people painted him to be, just a swindler!
This book debunks everything to do with HH Holmes and how he wasn‘t the killer people painted him to be, just a swindler!
Sooooooo good. HH Holmes!
In The Garden was interesting but Devil had me hooked! Nonfiction was never so frightening and riveting. Can't wait for the movie!
thank you for the add @SanjanaGhosh
#moviewasbetter #devil #hhholmes #worldsfair #ferriswheel
I read this book long back. I picked this after I read an article about books on serial killers on internet. I would say, it's a good paced book and if you have the guts to read some gory and grotesque details you should definitely read it. You'll definitely get to know more about the serial killer psyche and why they do this. In this case, why H.H. Holmes did this.
I tried reading 'Deranged' by same writer but didn't get the hook to it.
For anyone interested I finally got my slightly longer review of Depraved written and posted Orangemoosereads.wordpress.com I‘m going to try to have at least a short comparison with ‘Devil in the White City‘ up later today.
I am HIGHLY disappointed in how Schechter ended the book, it feels incomplete. There wasn‘t a lot that I didn‘t already know from having read “Devil in the White City” there was a lot of focus on the trial of Holmes which there wasn‘t as much in “Devil”. It was interesting for sure and worth reading. A few times the writing wasn‘t great, but over all it was good. I‘ll have a longer review and comparison up this weekend on my blog.
Only 30 pages to go. I WILL finish this damn book today!
After reading this I really want to read more about The Pinkertons. I watched a show on Netflix I believe, based on The Pinkerton Agency and it was good. I‘m going to have to do some Amazon searching tomorrow. 😊 #alwayssomethingnewtolearn
Time to read this until I HAVE to go to sleep. Although it is getting into the more detailed, rough part of Holmes spree before he is finally caught.
1. My daily cup of coffee. The creamer is Himalayan Salted Caramel.
2. America‘s First Serial Killer
3. I have no sign of wisdom teeth (I‘ve had 2 dentists and an orthodontist confirm through X-rays).
4. JEM or She-Ra
5. Cancer
#humpdaypost @MinDea
Up next. #historynerd