Day 3 🍂 Cover Lovers: if you can believe it this is the only book I own with an actual couple on the cover 🤷♀️😂 #awesomeautumnbooks #percyjackson #herosofolympus #houseofhades #percyandannabeth #percabeth
Day 3 🍂 Cover Lovers: if you can believe it this is the only book I own with an actual couple on the cover 🤷♀️😂 #awesomeautumnbooks #percyjackson #herosofolympus #houseofhades #percyandannabeth #percabeth
"We've all got weaknesses. Me, for instance. I'm tragically funny and good-looking."
~Rick Riordan, The Mark of Athena
#themarkofathean #currentlyreading #herosofolympus #rickriordan #bookseries #bookworm #bookseries #books #reading
"Jason scratched his head. "You named him Festus? You know that in Latin, ‘festus‘ means ‘happy‘? You want us to ride off to save the world on Happy the Dragon?" #Festus #HerosOfOlympus #LostHero