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Edges | Linda Nagata

Hmm. I wasn't really drawn into this one as I like to be. And I got a bit confused with all the variants of the characters.


Starfish | Peter Watts
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#ReadYourKindle @CBee

Peter Watts always creates complex worlds. This is no exception. I think another read through is required.

Starfish | Peter Watts
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CBee 👏🏻👏🏻 1mo
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#sundayfunday a wee bit late

Husband used to edit a sci fi newsletter and I met a number of sci fi authors when we attended some conferences. The most memorable was James Hogan mainly because I read some of his books. Skipping the super technical stuff, his stories were amazing (like the tagged). Also met Gregory Benford and Brad Lineaweaver. Probably more but this was in the 1990s and my memory fades

I‘d like to meet Lisa See & James Rollins

BookmarkTavern That must have been so cool! Thanks for answering! 1mo
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Aurora Rising | Alastair Reynolds
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Bk2 of March is the 1st in the Prefect Dreyfus Emergency series. A brilliant blend of SciFi & police procedural, Dreyfus is a Prefect of Panoply, the beat cops of The Glitter Band. Made up of 10,000 different habitats orbiting the planet Yellowstone, Prefects enforce the voting laws of the system. Until an entire habitat is killed, an open & shut case,but Dreyfus starts looking deeper & encounters things powerful people would rather stay hidden.👇

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Twistor | John Cramer
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I am posting one book per day (although lately it's been every other day or every couple of days. I'll fix that) from my extensive, and ever growing, TBR shelves. Some are old and some are new, some were gifts and some I don't remember why I bought them.

TheBookHippie What a marvellous cover!! 3mo
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Aurora Rising | Alastair Reynolds
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Bks6, 7, & 8 of my recent #BookMail are the first 3 books in the Prefect Dreyfus series. A SciFi Cop drama, set in the utopia of the Glitter Band of Space Habitats orbiting the planet Yellowstone.Panoply enforces the law, but when Dreyfus investigates an attack against a habitat it looks open&shut, until he looks under some stones that very powerful people rather he didn‘t.10,000 city-state habitats orbit Yellowstone & Panoply ARE the law.

Starfish | Peter Watts
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My March #ReadMyKindle selections. Hope I do better in March than I did in February!


CBee You can do it 👏🏻👏🏻 3mo
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Green Mars | Kim Stanley Robinson
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The series continues to be strong commentary on what happens when profits and politics, even conflicting personal philosophies and ethics, influence science and government.
I loved all the insights into the particular challenges that might arise in terraforming Mars. 1/?

Robotswithpersonality 2/? This book also introduced the interesting quandary of what happens when you give a certain population longevity treatments, not just the unequal power system that sets up, but also the hypothesis that these longevity treatments would prot CT one from most genetic issues but compensate unevenly for rare/serious conditions (i.e. aggressive late stage cancer due to radiation) or brain issues related to long term memory or new damage. 4mo
Robotswithpersonality 3/? Once again I have issues with the representation:
There's something so misogynistic in Maya's 'stereotypical beautiful woman (now aging)' characterization: obsessed with how her looks affected people, hyper-emotional, insecure about getting attention from every male around, seeing it as her way to power, power hungry, wants to be fawned over but also fickle, unable to do anything but be 'catty' to another female who basically acts just like her, volatile to those who try to stay with her. I recognize humans are flawed, but between Maya and Ann, it feels like the author loaded the hysterical elements onto the female characters for plot spice and that leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
Robotswithpersonality 4/? Definitely still feels like some bizarre combo of xenophobia and fetishization floating around the edges of characterization of ethnic groups that aren't caucasian, but so much is 'antagonistic in-group us vs them' stuff that separating it from the necessities of the narrative and perspective of individual characters is tricky. 4mo
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Robotswithpersonality 5/? If anyone knows of own voices' opinions on the brain damage/ aphasia rep here I'd love to hear it, there's a whiff of ableism in the pursuit of treatment resulting in "the exhilaration of normality"...and then there's the mad scientist characterization, after the character has had the injury. 4mo
Robotswithpersonality 6/? Speaking of perspectives: I recognize the author had a lot of ground to cover (though I'd argue he still managed to stick some 'let's go look at another bit of Mars and the emerging developments! filler now and then), but I would love to have seen another turn with Art and Nirgal's perspectives near the end. As happy as I am that we got Nadia more than once, I remain put out that I had to read from Maya for so long.

Pacing issues in the second book of a trilogy? 'Twas ever thus. 🙄
Robotswithpersonality 7/7 Will I finish the trilogy? Yes. When? Well it will have to be soon so I don't forget everything that just happened. 🤷🏼‍♂️ The author is still presenting enough food for thought that I want to see how he chooses to end this experiment. 4mo
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Green Mars | Kim Stanley Robinson
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More discussions like this, please. 🙏🏻

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