5⭐️ I think I read this with a permanent grin on my face & gave a silly sigh in response to a Private Not To Be Filed Office Correspondence. It truly is a gem. I found Jane Oliver's writing delightful. The writing combined with the clever illustrations by Ann Stafford, was perfection. It's no secret I love novels told in an epistolary format. This one is told through a series of letters, telegrams, and inter office correspondence. A new favorite.
Jess_Read_This #recommend #handheldclassics #janeoliver #shopgirl 5y
CarolynM Sounds good. Stacked 🙂 5y
BarbaraBB Sounds great and I love all these Persephones in the background 😍 5y
See All 13 Comments
erzascarletbookgasm Stacking 👍 and the cover illustration looks lovely. Gasping at those Persephone books! 🤩 5y
LeahBergen I have this waiting on my shelves! 👏🏻👏🏻 5y
BookNAround This sounds delightful! 5y
Jess_Read_This @CarolynM Yay!! I think you‘ll really enjoy this one! 5y
Jess_Read_This @BarbaraBB Thank you! I‘m running out of shelf space for the Persephones 😬 They make the prettiest books. 5y
Jess_Read_This @erzascarletbookgasm I just loved everything about this book. The cover art got my attention too. Persephone books just make me so happy. It‘s been a fast growing collection! 5y
Jess_Read_This @LeahBergen Yay! I think you will enjoy it. I loved the classy shopping descriptions of another time. So much different than now. Though it is nice to be able order books with a tap of a button now. 5y
Jess_Read_This @BookNAround It really was wonderful. I‘m going to try to read another one of their books. I‘m also curious to see what else Handheld Press has published because this one was just so well done. 5y
elkeOriginal I need to check this out! 5y
Handheld Delighted that you enjoyed it so much. I discovered it at a book sale in a tatty 1960s edition, and was halfway through reading it on the way home when I knew we had to republish it. It's our word of mouth bestseller. 😁 4y