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The Hidden Staircase #2 | Carolyn Keene
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7. Did you know there is a movie based on the book? I did not! It came out in 2019.


Have you seen any Nancy Drew adaptations? Any that are standouts to you? Any not worth the time to watch? #NancyDrewBR

BarkingMadRead I‘ve only seen part of the CW series, I‘m halfway through season 1. It‘s good, but it‘s very CW and not quite Nancy Drew-ish 🤣 6mo
AmandaBlaze I have not seen either the movie or TV adaptations. 6mo
bookandbedandtea I'm old so I watched the Nancy Drew/ Hardy Boys TV show in the 70s (such a crush on Shaun Cassidy! ☺️). I don't remember much about them, other than I looked forward to the new episode every week. 6mo
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Read4life I haven‘t seen any of them. 6mo
dabbe #ditto what @booksandbedandtea said, especially the “ old” part! 🤩 6mo
Bookwormjillk I‘ll have to look for that! 6mo
Librarybelle @BarkingMadRead I agree! More CW and less Nancy Drew, but still fun. I need to watch Season 4! @AmandaBlaze @bookandbedandtea @Read4life @dabbe @Bookwormjillk I may have seen pieces of the 1970s series, but have not watched the whole thing. 6mo
Pageturner1 never seen may be fun to watch. 6mo
Librarybelle @Pageturner1 I think it‘s interesting to see the adaptations, but of course the books are better! 6mo
jlhammar No, didn‘t know about that movie. I haven‘t watched any adaptations as of yet. 6mo
DebinHawaii @bookandbedandtea @dabbe I join you in the “old” & having loved the 1977-1980 series. 🤣 I watched it religiously & especially lived the crossover episodes. (My crush was Parker Stevenson!) 😉 6mo
Roary47 I heard about the movie, but not the show. I haven‘t watched any of it so might have to look for it soon. 6mo
CogsOfEncouragement Years ago, my kids and I really enjoyed the 2007 “Nancy Drew” feature film with Emma Roberts. It is current day, she drives a little classic convertible, and wears stylish clothes with a preppy 60s vibe. 6mo
dabbe @DebinHawaii Loved him, too! And Shaun. #goodoldays 🤩 6mo
AnneCecilie I had no idea 6mo
kwmg40 Like some of the other older folk who have mentioned it, I too watched the 1970's TV adaptation in my youth! 6mo
peanutnine @CogsOfEncouragement the Emma Roberts movie is the only adaptation I've seen. I don't really recall the plot but I remember enjoying it 5mo
lauraisntwilder Yes, I've seen it. It's a modern take on Nancy. She rides a skateboard around town instead of driving a convertible. 5mo
mrp27 Yes! I saw it with my niece as she enjoyed the books. Even seeing some of the tv show, the newest one not the 70‘s one. 5mo
TheBookHippie I‘ve seen none of them but going to see how many the library has! 5mo
MariaW I did not know there were any adaptations. I put them on my never-ending to read/watch list. 😊 4mo
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Dr. Heidegger's Experiment | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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#HHC #HalloweenHexesCoven

I hear/see/read the word SKELETON, and I always think of this story, one of my favorites to teach. #goodoldays

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It‘s not a type of popsicle 😂😂 I read this word a ton in my last book (The Dictionary of Lost Words), PLUS it can also refer to a bundle of muscle or nerve fibers (which is neat). #weirdwords

CBee @The_Penniless_Author I‘m tagging you! You must have some weird words to share 😊 (no pressure, ok maybe a little 😂) 10mo
IndoorDame I always look this up over and over when I read Emily Dickinson hoping for a detailed explanation of her system, (and then give up and start google images searches) 10mo
AnnR 😂😂😂 Great post. Thanks for making me smile this morning. 10mo
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CBee @Ann_Reads oh thank you! Glad I could make you smile 😊 💚 10mo
Amiable That sounds like a word I can use at work when I'm mad and want to swear: “Oh, FASCICLE!“ And since I work at a hospital people will think I'm just editing a patient fact sheet. 😁 10mo
julesG @Amiable 😂😂 10mo
CBee @Amiable 😂😂😂 please do this and tell me what happens 😂 10mo
CBee @IndoorDame that might send me down a rabbit hole 🤨 10mo
TheBookHippie This is what we called our long papers due at end of term in prison … I mean parochial school 👀 10mo
CBee @TheBookHippie oh my 😳😳😳 10mo
TheBookHippie @CBee 🤣🤣😵‍💫😵‍💫😅😅 never fear I had plenty of time in detention to write them 🙃 10mo
CBee @TheBookHippie why am I not surprised? I love it 👏🏻👏🏻 10mo
TheBookHippie @CBee I had 4.27 GPA ✊🏼 detention was for dress code and “arguing” with teachers 👀 10mo
CBee @TheBookHippie not surprised at your GPA whatsoever 😘😘 I always think of it as “questioning” the teachers….. but of course parochial school, ugh that‘s so rigid and strict 😳 I was always a “good girl,” my ma was a teacher and she would‘ve been horrified. So I just talked over my musings with her 💚 (edited) 10mo
TheBookHippie @CBee Yes bad parenting decision to send me there. I got a written apology when I turned 30 from my father. My mother still thinks it‘s fine 😵‍💫😅 but it was her faith 🤢🤐 what can ya do🥴 OY. Teacher mom 😬 10mo
dabbe @TheBookHippie My mom worked in our media center, so I had the same problem. I was the ONLY senior who didn't go on the Senior Ditch Day. I got to hang out in the library all day with my mom. She wouldn't even call me in to stay at home. #goodoldays

Had to edit my error! 🤣
(edited) 10mo
dabbe “Fasten your fascicles, it's going to be a bumpy night.“ #rewritingallabouteve #bettedaviswouldhavenailedthatline

What a fun word! 🤩
CBee @TheBookHippie you made it through 💚 10mo
CBee @dabbe 😂😂😂😂 10mo
TheBookHippie @dabbe 😵‍💫😱 10mo
TheBookHippie @CBee I did at that ! 😘 10mo
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