Unfortunately I didn‘t get to reading the last book from my January reading challenge but I was battling a pretty nasty bout of depression so I‘m not too upset about it. I‘ll just have to pick it up again later :) #getfitchallenge
Unfortunately I didn‘t get to reading the last book from my January reading challenge but I was battling a pretty nasty bout of depression so I‘m not too upset about it. I‘ll just have to pick it up again later :) #getfitchallenge
Mind Over Mood has a lot of great information and could be extremely helpful for some people. As most of my issues are biological, it‘s less helpful for me but I still found plenty of great stuff to work with. If you‘ve never done any mental health care before it‘s a great place to start. #getfitchallenge
I‘m not really at a place where I can do much with the advice in this book, but I loved Steal Like An Artist so much that I needed to see what other tidbits of wisdom Kleon had to share.
Like his other book, this one was inspiring and motivating, with bite-sized words of advice & strategies. Some of the points were a repeat from the last book, but most of it was new stuff. Time to get drawing! #getfitchallenge
Now that I‘ve read up on how to be physically healthier it‘s time to focus on my mental health. #getfitchallenge
My reading goals for 2018 will be monthly challenges. I can switch things up all year long and keep it interesting. For January, my #readingchallenge will be a health-focused one that I‘m calling #getfitchallenge
I‘ve picked a fitness book: Which Comes First, Cardio or Weights?
A book on nutrition: Secrets From the Eating Lab
One targeting mental health: Mind Over Mood
And finally, one to grease the wheels of creativity: Show Your Work