5/5⭐ Life changing. It's extremely clear and useful on its own, but if you have the means it can be really helpful to work through this book with a therapist.
5/5⭐ Life changing. It's extremely clear and useful on its own, but if you have the means it can be really helpful to work through this book with a therapist.
Mind Over Mood has a lot of great information and could be extremely helpful for some people. As most of my issues are biological, it‘s less helpful for me but I still found plenty of great stuff to work with. If you‘ve never done any mental health care before it‘s a great place to start. #getfitchallenge
WHAT!!! This is a symptom of my anxiety? I just thought I had a very small bladder 😅
So my score for depression was 18, which is great because it confirms what I‘ve suspected for a while—my depression has finally gotten to a manageable and acceptable level. Love it!
My anxiety score? 43 (of 72) so yeah...not so great. At least I know what to focus on! 😅😅
I‘m a little behind with this book but I‘m ready to start IDing some moods! I‘ve got a pool of moods to choose from to identify how I‘m feeling, and I have a template for tracking them, so here‘s hoping I can keep on top of this over the next week.
Now that I‘ve read up on how to be physically healthier it‘s time to focus on my mental health. #getfitchallenge