Here we go again! Looks like I‘m only 40 days behind 😂
Here we go again! Looks like I‘m only 40 days behind 😂
“‘She‘s getting above herself with these superior airs.‘ Genji was irritated and resentful. ‘When a courtship has gone as far as ours, it is customary for the woman, even one whose high status makes her difficult to approach, to set aside her stubborn willfulness and yield,‘” (305). Is this the ancient Japanese equivalent of “but I paid for your dinner!”? 😂
#genji #genji13
“He was indeed a common peasant, such a one as in old days would have been unceremoniously bundled out of Genji‘s path. Now Genji found himself welcoming the fellow as an equal, and commiserating with him upon his plight.” #Genji13
Quite a change from chapter 4 in which Genji was irritated by the “uncouth sound of peasant voices.” So, I think we are witnessing some growth in Genji‘s character.
(Internet image)
“His misfortunes were still weighing heavily upon his mind & he was in a mood for prayer & fasting rather than for any gallant diversions.… Moreover, he would not have dreamed of doing anything [to betray Murasaki].”
So he jumps on a horse to court someone new & get her pregnant. Genji will never change. #Genji13
@Daisey @llwheeler @bianca @saresmoore @bookandcat @mhillis @SoniaC @batsy @KathyR @TheWordJar @Faibka @RachelO @CindyMyLifeIsLit
“He thought her in fact the most disagreeable young person whom he had ever met.”
Isn‘t this how many a romance novel begins? #Genji13
@Daisey @llwheeler @bianca @saresmoore @bookandcat @mhillis @SoniaC @batsy @KathyR @TheWordJar @Faibka @RachelO @CindyMyLifeIsLit
Reference to a leech baby piqued my interest. Google tells me this child was a result of an incestuous relationship between two gods. 🤔Genji sleeping with his stepmother or one of his cousins? #Genji13
Photo & more about the leech child here: http://mooninthewater.net/aikido/2012/04/21/myth-izanagi-izanami/
@Daisey @llwheeler @bianca @saresmoore @bookandcat @mhillis @SoniaC @batsy @KathyR @TheWordJar @Faibka @RachelO @CindyMyLifeIsLit
Good question, Akashi maiden! I‘ve been wondering the same thing. 🤔 #Genji13
@Daisey @llwheeler @bianca @saresmoore @bookandcat @mhillis @SoniaC @batsy @KathyR @TheWordJar @Faibka @RachelO @CindyMyLifeIsLit
I like that Genji‘s dead father is looking out for him from beyond the grave, even though he‘s been very busy in the afterlife, going about the business of proving that he hasn‘t done serious harm to anyone.
There are important portents in #Genji13 !
(Internet photo)
@Daisey @llwheeler @bianca @saresmoore @bookandcat @mhillis @SoniaC @batsy @KathyR @TheWordJar @Faibka @RachelO @CindyMyLifeIsLit
Waley translation: “the old man poured out an endless stream of inconsequent but flattering remarks, which would be wearisome to read. I am conscious indeed that the whole of this section is rather a bundle of absurdities.”
Tyler translation: “The Novice talked on and on about all sorts of things, but never mind. Having got wrong everything I have written, I must have made him seem even odder and more foolish than he was. #Genji13