"He drew a happy face after that--two dots and a curving line--and signed his name." • A smiley face?? In the 1910s in England?? I think the hell not. These are the kinds of anachronisms that make me seethe - Who edited this book?? Was it even edited at all??? #mindlessmediocrity #exceptitsmakingmemadhowbadthisis #YIKES ?
ValerieAndBooks Yikes is right! Very highly unlikely for that era! 8y
lauren.lerner There are soooooo many little things just like this in these books, it's wild, @ValerieAndBooks, truly next level absurdity. The author started writing as a Star Trek fanfic writer though so now I'm wondering if her fanfic about the future was similarly anachronistic? That's always something that bothered me in fanfic; I don't like it any better in formally published work. 8y
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