“She saw beauty where others saw pests, and she showed the world their secrets.”
“She saw beauty where others saw pests, and she showed the world their secrets.”
Explore the inspiring life of Maria Merian, a 17th-century artist and scientist who uncovered the mysteries of metamorphosis. The Girl Who Drew Butterflies by Joyce Sidman weaves captivating storytelling with stunning visuals to celebrate a woman who forever changed how we see the natural world.
The Girl Who Drew Butterflies is a beautifully crafted biography of Maria Merian, an extraordinary artist and scientist who defied conventions to document the life cycles of insects. Joyce Sidman‘s lyrical prose brings Maria‘s story to life, highlighting her curiosity, artistry, and groundbreaking contributions to science.
This is a great book to introduce science concepts integrated with english instruction for young children
“It is not always the obvious thing that is the most interesting. You must look carefully, and you must think.”
This book is a biography of Maria Merian, a 17th-century naturalist who made important discoveries about the life cycles of insects. The story showcases her groundbreaking work and her ability to observe and document the natural world.
I have a masters in biology and my research was focused on #bees. I love insects #nonfiction #science