#endalz #thelongestday
#endalz #thelongestday
My work team, Memories Matter, at the annual Walk to #EndAlz last month. Working with Alzheimer's Disease every day has taught me to be grateful for every #memory, big or small, that I am fortunate enough to keep. I am also grateful to be able to play my own small part in the fight. May we soon find a treatment for this disease.
Airport #bookhaul for my trip to Chicago! AAIC here we come! #endalz
Tonight at the National Alzheimer's Dinner Marcia Gay Harden spoke about her mother and her courage to fight this horrible disease. Thank you Marcia for the amazing words of encouragement to all of us "pissed off women" fighting this disease. #endalz
I am here is DC to advocate for my 104 patients that are currently participating in the clinical drug trials being conducted by our team at Advanced Memory Research Institute of NJ. I fight for them.
I just met Marcia Gay Harden!!!! I'm looking forward to reading her book about her mother's battle with Alzheimer's Disease. What an amazing voice for this fight! #endalz
Listening to the amazing Marcia Gay Harden read from her memoir and advocate to end Alzheimer's Disease at the Alzheimer's Impact Movement National Alzheimer's Dinner! (Book signing to follow!!!!) #endalz
I spent my day down at the beach participating in the Walk to End Alz. I lost my grandmother to Dementia a little over a month ago - so the Walk was bitter sweet. I was blessed to have two friends join me in the Walk today. They made each step easier. #endalz #foralicemarie #walktoendalz