Those who seek to destroy progress— fundamentalists, imperialists, sexists, corrupt governments, white supremacists, military men, greedy corporations, and so on— discourage a sensuous approach to knowledge because tyrants have always understood that the more robotic people are, the more easily manipulated they are. This is why colonizers confiscated indigenous art. It is why organized religions destroyed evidence of goddess worship; it is why⬇️
JenniferEgnor the Taliban blew up the ancient art of Afghanistan. It is the reason fundamentalists burned libraries in Timbuktu. It‘s what caused Hitler to ban anti-Nazi art and literature in Germany and it‘s why the Turkish military has destroyed Kurdish monuments. These violent autocrats know that the more you prevent an experience of knowledge as living and evolving, the higher the chances of upholding power. They understand that a mind that is⬇️ 8mo
JenniferEgnor frightened, fragmented, and frustrated is the least likely to resist oppression and the most likely to perpetuate it. Those who wish to maintain the status who will do everything possible to prevent the transformation of knowledge. They know that a person who cannot think for themselves is a person who can think for them. (edited) 8mo
TheBookHippie ALLLLL OF THIS 8mo
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dabbe Just watched John Oliver's show last week, and he goes into immense detail regarding PROJECT 25. Absolutely terrifying. 8mo
JenniferEgnor @TheBookHippie Right?! I felt all this in my bones. 8mo
JenniferEgnor @dabbe lots of folx are realizing how serious it is now. We have little time left, and the ballot box alone will not defeat fascism. We are in trouble. 8mo
TheBookHippie @JenniferEgnor I have felt this since I was 12 😵💫👀😝 8mo
TheBookHippie @dabbe welcome to my town 😝😵💫 y‘all getting a taste of my daily life and 35 year activism fight. 8mo
JenniferEgnor @TheBookHippie I‘ve been feeling it for a long time too. I grew up in a high control, apocalyptic religious cult teaching household…I‘m still working through the damage and trauma it caused. 8mo
TheBookHippie @JenniferEgnor I hear that. It takes a bit, and a lot of DEEP BREATHING. 😵💫😝 8mo
dabbe @JenniferEgnor And after that debate? 😳 #deepdeeptrouble 8mo
dabbe @TheBookHippie We need your governor to run. Is she as good as we in AZ think she is? 8mo
TheBookHippie @dabbe WHY yes she is. She‘s probably even better than you know. She is amazing. Here‘s when I fell in love with her https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uj6a22LNx2s 8mo
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