Wow. Her dad is an ass.
A low pick because I had to work so hard for this one. It took about two weeks to read it, which is a long time for me, because the first 2/3 was so doggone slow. The last 1/3 was great though. I understand the drag in the beginning because Cutter was setting up these characters and The Big Event that would come toward the end. I can strongly see Stephen King‘s influence with certain word choices (palaver!) and a Western feel reminiscent…
I really enjoyed this read. A non-fiction study on how language plays a role in community and ideology. Do you ever challange your own beliefs and thoughts? Has language ever manipulated, deceived, guided or inspired you?
I finished this one quite quickly! But let's be honest I mostly picked this one up for the cover. Lol. MaybeI should read a book on how marketing manipulates you sometimes more than language itself. Ha!
I‘ve been reading this book for almost two weeks and I‘m finally about 1/4 thru it. I keep going because it‘s a Cutter book, but this one is much slower-going than the other two I‘ve read by him: The Troop and The Queen. I would love to finish it up this week. Hoping it picks up soon!
Thank you, sweet friend. I smiled when I saw this was from you. I have something for you, but I am stuck home with pneumonia so will mail when better (whenever that is). I so look forward to reading this and I love our book friendship. 😘
This book made me want to cancel my lunch plans yesterday and stay home all day and read. I am so glad the higher praise Wait get on Litsy convinced me to give her another try after not loving another of her books because this story about a young mother and her daughter‘s journey through their involvement with a cult was fantastic.
These lights in my dermatologist office look like they would be in the donut restaurant in this book. They remind me of UFOs and donuts! 🍩 🛸👽
I‘m on a big biography kick right now, clearly. This was a really interesting read. I‘m really enjoying being able to hear things put in the words of the people who were the most effected. It was a bit distressing to hear how thoroughly the tv industry failed the Dugger kids, long past when they could reasonably be called kids, and in new and wild ways from how it fails most child actors.
Was able to fit in one more with this quick read bringing 2024‘s total to 87. Not my best, but definitely not my worst.
My goal for 2025 is to continue to challenge myself out of my comfort zone, and to keep crushing physical books on my TBR rather than going to my audiobook crutches.