Butler on needing the Humanities. https://lithub.com/judith-butler-to-imagine-a-world-after-this-democracy-needs-t...
Butler on needing the Humanities. https://lithub.com/judith-butler-to-imagine-a-world-after-this-democracy-needs-t...
Feminism can be experienced as giving life, or as taking one‘s own life back, a life that you might have experienced as what you have given to others, or even what has been taken by other people‘s expectations.
the superego. It originates from the long dependency of the infant on his parents; the parental influence remains the core of the superego. Subsequently, a number of societal and cultural influences are taken in by the superego until it coagulates into the powerful representative of established morality and “what people call the ‘higher‘ things in human life.”
According to Freud, the history of man is the history of his repression. Culture constrains not only his societal but also his biological existence, not only parts of the human being but his instinctual structure itself. However, such constraint is the very precondition of progress.
“Instinct,” in accordance with Freud‘s notion of Trieb, refers to primary “drives” of the human organism which are subject to historical modification; they find mental as well as somatic representation.
Identity is becoming. Identity is intersectional.
reading theory takes a lot of mental energy for me so I was bored
I have seen Fanon referenced in several recent books I‘ve read, so I was happy to see this pop up at my library. He covers a lot of ground here, but the focus is on how white supremacy and colonialism shapes internalized racism. I absolutely see his influence on discussions of race we are having now, and this published in 1952.
If power were never anything but repressive, if it never did anything but to say no, do you really think one would be brought to obey it? What makes power hold good, what makes it accepted, is simply the fact that it doesn‘t only weigh on us as a force that says no; it also traverses and produces things, it induces pleasure, forms knowledge, produces discourses.
Happy to have finally read Fanon! Reading this was a bit like looking through blinds; so much is obscured, but rays of dazzling light shoot through. By that I mean it‘s an obviously brilliant work, but a lot of the psychoanalysis and phenomenology went over my head. I‘d definitely like to re-read it more closely in the future.
Reads like a university dissertation at times but overall it‘s decent. Fraser‘s more expansive view of capitalism highlighted the structural ills of a system that is fundamentally unstable and unsustainable.