Slow-burn of a tense, vivid mystery that explodes into a fabulous final 50 pages. 4.75 stars. If the expanse of The Outback seems preferable to lockdown or quarantine, than this is the read for you! #coolsetting #greatending #slowburn #Aussieauthors
Slow-burn of a tense, vivid mystery that explodes into a fabulous final 50 pages. 4.75 stars. If the expanse of The Outback seems preferable to lockdown or quarantine, than this is the read for you! #coolsetting #greatending #slowburn #Aussieauthors
Hard-drinking P.I. protagonist of my Alaska-set summer read is deeper than he seems. The intriguing Sitka setting is getting me excited to travel to Alaska soon... #mystery #coolsetting
Travel reading-Loving this Gothic page-turner! Will the journalists, writers & artists at a seemingly serene retreat survive its violent past? I can't wait to find out more... #100pagesin #travelread #tense #coolsetting
Couple stranded in space has 90 mins of oxygen remaining. Honestly I enjoyed the world-building (US and Middle East destroyed each other, rest of world now moves from place to place every 3 years to avoid toxic nationalism & to be more diverse) than in whether the couple survived. Interesting but not worth the HC purchase.
#loveinspace #kindofdystopia #fiction #coolsetting