Kathleen Gallagher interviewed Julie Salverson about writing Lines of Flight: An Atomic Memoir at Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences in Toronto. #congressH #canadianauthor #author #wolsakandwynn #memoir #nonfiction
Kathleen Gallagher interviewed Julie Salverson about writing Lines of Flight: An Atomic Memoir at Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences in Toronto. #congressH #canadianauthor #author #wolsakandwynn #memoir #nonfiction
Matthew Zantingh interviewed Daniel Coleman on the research and writing of Yardwork: A Biography of an Urban Place at Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences. #books #canadianauthor #congressH #nonfiction #HamOntauthor
My book haul from Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences. When you work a bookfair at an academic conference, you're likely to come home with a few souvenirs. #congressh #bookhaul #nonfiction #fiction