"One child, one teacher, one book, and one pen can change the world." Malala Yousafzai Real inspiration. Such a powerful story, I highly recommend it. You WILL learn something, I guarantee it. #Day10 #septPhotoChallenge #BooksSetInAsia
"One child, one teacher, one book, and one pen can change the world." Malala Yousafzai Real inspiration. Such a powerful story, I highly recommend it. You WILL learn something, I guarantee it. #Day10 #septPhotoChallenge #BooksSetInAsia
I have quite a few #bookssetinasia that I could have highlighted. I am fascinated by book about and coming out of North Korea and this looks like it will be a good one.
#somethingforsept #septphotochallenge
Along with these have Persepolis, The Joy Luck Club, and The Red Tent (didn't know how to put the 2 pictures together for one post. I realize I am seriously lacking in reading material in certain cultures, and it really needs to be remedied soon! #somethingforSeptember #septPhotochallenge #bookssetinAsia
#day10 #somethingforsept #bookssetinasia. Loved both of these. The stories were engaging and the writing was solid.
#bookssetinasia #septphotochallenge I loved this book! The telling is so vivid, I thought it was a memoir for most of the book, but it's actually a novel.
#bookssetinasia for #somethingforsept #bookphotochallenge looking at my collection of ones I've read or bought and need to read, I think I really need to start reading more books set in or from Asia, because I obviously haven't read very many.
#Day10 #SeptemberPhotoChallenge #bookssetinasia Part 2: Books set in India. Many of my India books have dual settings as I gravitate toward cultural & generational clashes, but I tried to do a quick cull (from memory/cover scan) & pull the ones that were set at least half or more in India. Mostly fiction, two memoirs & a travel/food. I threw in Monsoon Wedding because it's one of my favorite movies & it's set in India. #somethingforsept 🇮🇳📚❤️
Today's #somethingforsept is books set in Asia.
I have discovered that other than a couple of manga series I am slightly failing in this area, so if anyone has any good suggestions for books set anywhere other than America/Canada, or the UK let me know! ☺️
#septemberphotochallenge #day10 #bookssetinasia