Day 6. #Riotgrams #numbertitles
I thought I had more number titles than this, such as James Patterson's women's murder club series. But I think they went into storage. 📚📚📚 #riotgram #bookishbehavior #bookriot #booknerd #bibliophilesunite
Day 6. #Riotgrams #numbertitles
I thought I had more number titles than this, such as James Patterson's women's murder club series. But I think they went into storage. 📚📚📚 #riotgram #bookishbehavior #bookriot #booknerd #bibliophilesunite
Day 4. #Riotgrams #notebooks/journals
I love collecting leather bound journals for some reason. They feel classic. #Riotgram #bookishbehavior #bookriot #anykindofbookwilldo #bibliophile
Day 3. #Riotgrams #HowIRead
My favorite spot to read in the early parts of the day. On the couch! 😜📚📚 #Riotgram #bookishbehavior #saturdays