This is the very determined #ElizabethPackard in her #authorphoto — she looks as fierce as she was!
This is the very determined #ElizabethPackard in her #authorphoto — she looks as fierce as she was!
Looking at this photo, I ask myself, "Do I have enough Pucci to make it in the writing biz?" #authorphoto #authorproblems
Another one of my favorite author photos. I love it! 😂📚✨
I'm about 100 pages in and liking it quite a bit!
But right now I really want to point out this amazing author photo! Whether they're great or terrible, I love seeing the photo chosen for a book's jacket. This one just might be my new favorite!
My new favorite cover and author photo combo. They match the book so well: The Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of the Apocalypse by Robert Rankin is a funny, raunchy, outlandish mystery set in Toyland. This one is delightfully weird.
#fantasy #mystery #oddballbooks #weirdfiction #authorphoto #coverart #RobertRankin