Phew…Mr. Faulkner, your work, although beautiful, is exhausting and fatiguing…Glad to be back to my usual horror genre! Jumping in with this gem! #MyBeatFriendsExorcism #AsILayDying #goodreads #mondayfunday
Phew…Mr. Faulkner, your work, although beautiful, is exhausting and fatiguing…Glad to be back to my usual horror genre! Jumping in with this gem! #MyBeatFriendsExorcism #AsILayDying #goodreads #mondayfunday
I'm so ready for fall (my favorite season!), so today I'm sharing the autumnal color of brown! Can't wait for those leaves to start changing... 🍁🍂📙
#brownbooks #brown #autumn #fall #books #color #colorful #jamesjoyce #williamfaulkner #dubliners #asilaydying #onlytheriverrunsfree #aportraitoftheartistasayoungman #andyandrews #thenoticer #bodieandbrockthoene #bookshelf
The new shirt I got from 2nd and Charles #TheSpeaker #TraciChee #bannedbook #bannedbooks #book #books #AFarewellToArms #TheCallOfTheWild #TheGrapesOfWrath #AnimalFarm #OfMiceAndMen #Lolita #TheGreatGatsby #ToKillAMockingbird #Catch22 #SlaughterhouseFive #ForWhomTheBellTolls #AClockworkOrange #InvisibleMan #TheCatcherInTheRye #TheColorPurple #ABraveNewWorld #TheLordOfTheFlies #AsILayDying #InColdBlood #TheAwakening #TheReaderTrilogy #Fantasy 📚💓📚
Currently switching back and forth between reading William Faulkner‘s As I Lay Dying and The very last book in The Hunger Games! What are y‘all reading? #asilaydying #willaimfaulkner #thehungergames #mockingjay #teampeeta #katniss #lit #weekendreading #literary #bookmeme #meme #memes