Haha... I'm supposed to be where I parted the book but I'm where the paper bookmark is at #RIP but I ended up skipping to chapter 8 to read about Somme and Verdun for class today #unilife 🙃👌
p.s. This book has 10 chapters. I'm also supposed to be done with Men of War by Meyer and 6 chapters into Poilu by Barthas #history #nonfiction #historyminor #artmajor #thefirstworldwar #johnkeegan
Schnoebs Don‘t worry, your not alone on that school book reading struggle. I‘m desperately trying to finish these last 50 pages of my book before class tonight. Have I mentioned that it basically takes me an hour to read like 10 pages from this book! The struggle is so real lol 6y
coffees @Schnoebs Saaaammeee! I keep pacing myself like I'm reading a for fun book and keep finding myself lagging. like whyyy do I get so sleepy two paragraphs in?! Or when I have to reread sections because I keep getting distracted Orz good luck with class readings :""") 6y
Schnoebs I‘ve found the only thing that really helping me push through is having YouTube asmr room videos on and a time to be like “get this much work done in this time and you can take a 10 minute break” lol 6y
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coffees @Schnoebs asmr room videos? What are those? Erm I tend to be the type that takes the break first then crams like oh god why xD 6y
Schnoebs https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoXQCYOw5--9PlQ74JVIEmw 6y
Schnoebs It allows me to not sit in silence while doing school work but also prevents me from putting some on the tv and distracting myself. It‘s my new favorite way of studying 6y
coffees @Schnoebs ohhhh! Hm maybe I should do this too 🤔🤔 I tend to prefer quiet but sometimes it gets TOO quiet, esp if I've been working on something for too long lol 6y
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