I cannot wait for the workday to be over (people are SERIOUSLY trying my patience today), but at least I have a good book to keep me company. 💖 #mercurypicturespresents #anthonymarra
I cannot wait for the workday to be over (people are SERIOUSLY trying my patience today), but at least I have a good book to keep me company. 💖 #mercurypicturespresents #anthonymarra
Set in Chechnya during its recent, brutal civil war, A Constellation of Vital Phenomena begins with a disappearance: a man is forced into the back of a truck and taken away, his house burned behind him. His young daughter, Havaa, escapes into the woods with only a blue suitcase. A harrowing, important novel.
Read more: http://bit.ly/2bm52Rw
#readtheworld #anthonymarra