Our tree is under the employ of Santa.
Naughty? Nice? Tree‘ll be the judge of that…
And, to make it Litsy-related:
“BooOooOok!!!” 📕👁️🔮🎄
Our tree is under the employ of Santa.
Naughty? Nice? Tree‘ll be the judge of that…
And, to make it Litsy-related:
“BooOooOok!!!” 📕👁️🔮🎄
This is a great fact book for younger students. It‘s all about how animals keep warm during cold times.
This book would be great for a beginning reader, especially if they have an interest in the ocean and animals. This also would be a good classroom lesson to do with maybe kindergartners.
I love with the offers use actual pictures instead of illustrations in this book. This book does feel very young though. I definitely wouldn‘t have it in an older elementary classroom.