By these standards, no one would be getting into Princeton anytime soon. Good thing the standards changed with the times.
#robchernow #alexanderhamilton #princeton #collegeadmissions #admissionsstandards
Crazeedi Too bad our standards have dropped 6y
GingerAntics @Crazeedi I‘m not sure it‘s a bad thing. Is any of this actually useful in today‘s society? I still agree that education standards in America have drastically dropped and not for the better. 6y
Crazeedi @GingerAntics that's true, maybe not that specifically, but standards have diminished 6y
GingerAntics @Crazeedi oh definitely, I think most recently they‘ve diminished because hardly anyone can meet higher standards. 6y
GingerAntics @Crazeedi the scariest thing to me is that I work at a college and it‘s absolutely stunning how many high school graduates come through and can‘t write a complete sentence. Basic things we learned back in 2nd and 3rd grade have been thrown out the window in favour of these ridiculous tests. 6y
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