#asyoulikeit #shakespeare #shakespearereadalong #comedy #act3
I always thought I said whatever pops into my head because I‘m random. Apparently, Shakespeare knew better (or not). I‘m not sure if I should be offended at this or not.
#asyoulikeit #shakespeare #shakespearereadalong #comedy #act3
I always thought I said whatever pops into my head because I‘m random. Apparently, Shakespeare knew better (or not). I‘m not sure if I should be offended at this or not.
#asyoulikeit #shakespeare #shakespearereadalong #comedy #act3 #touchstone
I guess Touchstone is having a hard time adjusting to the shepherd life. In my head, he‘s still the funniest, happiest shepherd in the forest, though. lol
#asyoulikeit #shakespeare #shakespearereadalong #comedy #act3 #touchstone
I guess Touchstone isn‘t enjoying the shepherd life as much as I was hoping.
Where was I? Oh yes, #Act3. Seriously, Pisanio is turning out to be my favorite character. “What shall I need to draw my sword? The paper hath cut her throat already.” Meanwhile, Imogen‘s had enough, and lashes out at All Men Everywhere just because her love is a clod. “All good seeming, by thy revolt, O Husband, shall be thought out on for villainy.” This love story is getting tedious... can we go hang out at the cave? Those guys are great.
Cymbeline was first preformed in 1611, 15 years after the death of Shakespeare's son, Hamnet (Hamlet was written just 3 years after his son's death). It seems that after losing his 11 year old son, Shakespeare began to have a [possibly not so] mild obsession with suicide. I wonder if this is a reflection of his personal loss and an internal battle with himself. #cymbeline #shakespeare #shakespearereadalong #act3 #act3scene4