And so it begins.. #accountingstudent
And so it begins.. #accountingstudent
Apparently my son and Voltron don't want mommy to do homework.
#toddlersoflitsy #mykidisthebest #raisinganerd
#accountingstudent #homeworkcanwait #lularoe
Someone who rented this book before me sure was highlighter happy. Ugh.
#accountingstudent #homework #howdareyou
Apparently mommy needs a pile of stuffed animals instead of being able to do homework. This kid is nuts but I sure love him.
#mamasboy #toddlersoflitsy #businesslaw #accountingstudent
Sitting down to homework while watching my guilty pleasure Sister Wives. The kids are sleeping in so I'm taking the opportunity to watch something other than PJ Masks or Paw Patrol.
#sisterwives #accountingstudent #lularoe #momlife
Today we're learning some business law or at least the basics of law in general. Want to get a good amount of work down so I can finish Furiously Happy later.
#businesslaw #accountingstudent #homework #atleastthechaptersareshort
Time to trade fun reading for some school reading.
#timetolearn #accountingstudent #businesslaw #mssu #studytime