A gritty, emotion-stirring, YA drama. Rowan Slone has a crap family who persecutes her for something no teenager should have to go through. It's a modern-day Holden Caufield-esque story but with a female lead. I didn't expect a YA novel to make me feel so much. Read it! #readit #bookstack #YAbooks #YA #Youngadult
Chelleo Love YA! Checkout the #YAaddicts too. Welcome! Checkout #Litsytips: http://bit.ly/litsytips and #LitsyHowTo videos: http://bit.ly/litsyvideos They‘re great and should help you get settled in. Follow @LitsyHappenings to find out about various challenges, buddy reads, meet-ups and swaps taking place. #LitsyWelcomeWagon 7y
dreadamara @Chelleo awesome, thank you! 7y