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Black Butterflies | Priscilla Morris

It took me 20-30 pages to get into but after that I couldn't put it down.
Imagine your city is suddenly under siege, by non-local members of your ethnic group who have decided to grab your newly independent nation. Your attitude is “No thanks, we're all coexisting harmoniously here!“ But now you're dodging sniper bullets and mortar shells on your way to work and food is scarce. Your art is all that keeps you going. It's Sarajevo in 1992.

Leniverse At times I could almost forget that this was fiction. It was emotional and powerful and it had better make the #WomensPrize2023 shortlist. I have a slight book hangover now. 1y
jlhammar Wow, amazing review! I agree, we‘d better see this on the shortlist! 1y
Tamra I just got this in the mail today - anxious to dive in - so many great reviews! 1y
Leniverse @Tamra I hope you find it lives up to your expectations! 1y
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I was so wanting to love this one because the concept that the blurb described was great! It just didn't really go anywhere though and I felt like I was just reading about random fish for the sake of reading about random fish. The message wasn't conveyed remotely subtly or smartly, and while at first I quite liked the prose, it stopped doing anything for me p quickly. I did enjoy learning the occasional dolphin fact

#WomensPrize2023 #longlist

squirrelbrain I hated this one too, and it‘s not often I say that about a book. 😬 1y
Moll @squirrelbrain Me neither! I always feel bad when I don't like a book😂 1y
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Im a Fan | Sheena Patel
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The characters are horrid, the plot is a combination of cringe and completely outside of my area of interest. But the rage against patriarchy, Capitalism, and white hegemony is magnificent. Would 💯% read an essay collection by this author. It took a lot of thought and reading reviews for me to work out why the book's protagonist is made so unlikeable, but in short I figure it's so she doesn't get the role of victim, and to show that while ⤵️

Leniverse ➡️ she is as bad as the man she wants to be with, he gets away with that behaviour because he is white and male and she is less successful because she is neither of those things. 1y
TrishB You‘ve actually made me want to read. 1y
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Leniverse @TrishB I'm hesitant to recommend it, as I think it's a bit of a marmite book. But it's short, so not much to lose! 1y
TrishB It‘s short and I got it for 99p so it won‘t be the end of the world! 1y
batsy Great review! I very much want to read this. 1y
squirrelbrain Great review! I‘m just about finished…. 1y
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Homesick | Jennifer Croft
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"In Ancient Greece a clue was just a skein of yarn until enough mythical figures unraveled their ways out of mazes."

#WomensPrize2023 #WomensPrizeLonglist

BarbaraBB Very curious about this one 2y
Chelsea.Poole That is an awesome cover. I don‘t know what to think about this with the “memoir” subtitle. Is it working for you? 2y
TheKidUpstairs @Chelsea.Poole the cover is awesome, I love it too. It's totally working for me. It definitely reads more like a novel than a memoir. Names have been changed and it's in this person perspective rather than first (with the exception of photo captions/ commentary). Very engaging and well written, and I really like how she plays with form and genre. 2y
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TheKidUpstairs @Chelsea.Poole (that should say third person perspective, not this person... typing too fast for my own good) 2y
TheKidUpstairs @BarbaraBB I'm loving it so far. Totally engaging from the start. I really like when an author can play around with the expectations of form and genre, but still deliver something that is highly readable. And this, so far, seems to be hitting that mark beautifully. 2y
Chelsea.Poole Thank you! I like what you said in your previous comment about experimentation but still readable. Often I find those types too “out there” so I look forward to getting around to this! 2y
BarbaraBB That sounds as good as I hoped for. Stacked. 2y
Leniverse The UK edition doesn't have the Memoir subtitle, and has apparently been rewritten, and the US memoir has been rewritten from a blog, which was rewritten from an illustrated short story in Spanish. If I have managed to track that correctly. 😵‍💫🤯 So I really wonder how different the UK release is to the older US one. 1y
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