It‘s so beautiful written. Currently on Chapter 7 and what she‘s been through and able to talk about is brave. #worthy #jadapinkettsmith
It‘s so beautiful written. Currently on Chapter 7 and what she‘s been through and able to talk about is brave. #worthy #jadapinkettsmith
Just finished reading this book, it was a wild journey I'll remember for a lifetime
#notalone #seeme #holdon #behappy #youarebrave #fabulous #worthy #wanted #loved #bestrong #staycalm #hope #laugh #smile #relax #beyourself #breathe #findyourjoy #listentoyourheart #bethereforYOU
If you know the exact page where these hashtags are, you are person with so much time.
#ontheedgeofseventeen #rockinmay
Katniss is 16 in the first book. Great series 😀
I decided to step out of my comfort zone with #worthy it was kinda good but I'm not much of a romance book person. If you like books like the Selection series, YOU WILL LIKE WORTHY!! (Without the princess-y-ness) I almost didn't finish because it got kinda cliché. Anyways, I'm gonna start on Keep Me In Mind and/or finish Eragon. BYEEEE