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Corduroy | Don Freeman
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This F by Don Freeman was a book I loved as a child. It‘s such a cute story of a stuffed bear that‘s for sale in a store. He is missing a button and goes on a journey after close to find his button where he discovers things he has never seen before. The story ends with him finally being bought by a little girl and taken home. I would use this as a GR.

Erothert http://www.readwritethink.org/classroom-resources/lesson-plans/journal-corduroy-... is a great resource by RWT that provides a model for reflection. This lesson would cover UDL strategy 8.4 provide mastery-oriented feedback and ESOL strategy 13. use preview and review strategies. #UCFLAE3414SP18 7y
DrSpalding Late submission 7y
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This F by Ronald Dahl is a great novel that eventually became a movie. This book is about an orphan boy finds a giant peach. He enters the peach to discover it is magical and goes on an adventure across the world. He goes on the adventure with seven magical bugs and their mission is to get James away from the care of his mean and cruel aunts. The story ends with James becoming a hero.

Erothert I would use this as an LC book and use this resource http://www.nancypolette.com/handouts/guide_jamespeach.htm to go along with it. Using an LC and this resource would cover UDL strategy 8.3 foster collaboration and community and ESOL strategy 2. promote cooperation (small groups). #UCFLAE3414SP18 7y
DrSpalding Late submission 7y
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Goodnight Moon | Margaret Wise Brown
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This F by Margaret Wise Brown is a classic known around the world. It‘s a cute bedtime story about a bunny saying goodnight to all the objects in the room. This would be great to use as a CR because of the short sentences. http://lessonplanspage.com/lawordidpatternsgoodnightmoonk1-htm/ is a great resource that provides a lesson on word patterns and identification using the book.

Erothert This lesson covers UDL strategy 3.2 highlight patterns, critical features, big ideas, and relationship. And also ESOL strategy 37. use language experience techniques in discussing concepts and ideas. #UCFLAE3414SP18 7y
DrSpalding Late submission however thoughtful content. 7y
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This RF by Jeff Kinsey is a N.Y Times Bestseller. This book using comics to depicts a story of a boy named Greg who is struggling to fit in as he begins middle school. His mom suggests he writes his thoughts down but he doesn‘t like calling it a diary. Greg has some goofy friends and an older brother that add to the comedy of the book. I would use this an IR.

Erothert https://www.wimpykid.com/kits/WimpyKid-Book1-TeachingGuide-min.pdf is a teaching guide provided by the publisher to use along side the book. This teaching guide would cover UDL strategy 3.4 maximize transfer and generalization. And ESOL strategy 26. Maintain a library of supplementary books and workbooks written in simple English, which offer additional illustrations for problems. #UCFLAE3414SP18 7y
DrSpalding Late submission. Excellent resource and alignment. 7y
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This F by Alan Baker is a super cute story of a rabbit exploring colors. This book is perfect for teaching about colors! White rabbit uses red, yellow and blue paint to find what colors they make when they mix. https://www.education.com/lesson-plan/color-rainbow/ is a great resource that this book could be incorporated with. I would use as a S because it can be interactive.

Erothert This lesson covers UDL strategy 3.4 maximize transfer and generalization and ESOL strategy 17. Provide contextual support through audio visuals, models, demonstrations, realia, body language, and facial expressions. #UCFLAE3414SP18 7y
DrSpalding My favorite picture of the semester. Nice post! 7y
DrSpalding Loved your story telling. Do this for the students at WS elementary.😀 7y
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This Newberry Honor winner by Kate DiCamillo is a RF story about a girl named Opal that finds a dog at the supermarket she names Winn-Dixie. In the story Opal is adjusting after moving Florida with her preacher father. She spends her summer making new friends and thinking about her mother whom her father seldom talks about. This book is all about adventure and friendship and is definitely a classic and a must have for your classroom library!

Erothert I was use as a RA in the classroom. http://www.candlewick.com/book_files/0763607762.btg.1.pdf the publisher provides this resource for teachers to use alongside the book. This book covers UDL strategy 2.1 clarify vocabulary and symbols and ESOL strategy 13. Use preview/review activities. #UCFLAE3414SP18 7y
Gabylaurel10 I‘ve watched the movie, but have yet to read the book it‘s on my list! 7y
DrSpalding Candlewick provides excellent resources. Nice alignment. 7y
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The Mitten | Jan Brett
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This TL from the Ukraine is retold and illustrated by Jan Brett. This story begins with a young boy Nicki who drops one of his mittens that were knitted by his grandmother in the snow. The mitten then becomes home to many animals on this cold winter day before Nicki eventually finds it. I would use this as a SR in the classroom.

Erothert https://www.scholastic.com/teachers/lesson-plans/teaching-content/mitten-lesson-... is a good resource provided by scholastic that uses to book to teach sequencing and predicting. This lesson covers UDL strategy 3.2 highlight patterns, critics features, big ideas and relationships. And ESOL strategy 16. Integrate speaking, listening, reading and writing activities. #UCFLAE3414SP18 7y
DrSpalding You can‘t do much better than Scholastic. You have easily aligned UDL and EL principles. Well done. 7y
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This F by E.B White is a classic novel and even a movie! It has won a Newberry Honor among other awards. The story takes place on a farm where a friendship between a pig and a spider is born. The main character Fern is a young girl who takes care of Wilbur (the pig) and knew he was special. Wilbur becomes famous as his spider friend weaves words into her webs to describe him, which causes Fern to enter him into the county fair.

Erothert I would use this as an IR because it is such a good book I think the students would be surprised at how quickly they would get through it on their own. http://www.scholastic.com/charlottesweb/ is a interactive hub that provides fun activities that will engage students with the book. This resource covers UDL strategy 4.2 optimize access to tools and assistive technologies and ESOL strategy 46. Use discovery learning activities. #UCFLAE3414SP18 7y
emilybanne Love this book and the activities look engaging! 7y
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Jack and the Beanstalk | Steven Kellogg
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This TL retold and illustrated by Steven Kellogg is a story I‘m sure most of us are familiar with! The story revolves around the main character Jack and his magic beans that grow a beanstalk through the clouds. When he climbs the beanstalk he discovers a magic castle and encounters an ogre!! This would be fun to use as a RT in the classroom.

Erothert http://mathathome.org/lessons/jack-and-the-beanstalk/ is a resource that can be used with this book as a math lesson. This lesson covers UDL strategy 2.3 support deciding of text, mathematical notation, and symbols. And ESOL strategy 8. Use direct instruction: modeling, explaining, scaffolding, name the strategy and show how to use it. #UCFLAE3414SP18 7y
AmyPerezCubas Classic! Love this book and the activities you incorporated with it 7y
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Grandad Mandela | Ambassador Zindzi Mandela, Zazi and Ziwelene Mandela
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Grandad Mandela is a B picture book written by Nelson Mandela‘s family is a beautiful depiction of his life. In the book Mandela‘s great grandchildren ask their grandmother (Mandela‘s youngest daughter) 15 questions about their grandad. These questions are used as a vehicle for Mandela‘s daughter to tell beautiful stories of his life that depict his legacy.

Erothert I would use this book as a PR because you could have one student reading the questions and one student reading the answers. Scholastic has a unit of lesson plans on the life of Nelson Mandela in which this book could be incorporated at http://www.scholastic.com/browse/article.jsp?id=3758626. 7y
Erothert This lesson covers UDL strategy 6.3 facilitate managing information and resources and ESOL strategy 28. Provide biographies of significant men and women from different countries. #UCFLAE3414SP18 7y
DrSpalding I added this to my stack. Great idea to have students partner read and discuss this man‘s amazing accomplishments. 7y
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