I absolutely adored this book. The gorgeous artwork and the story together made it a fun read! The story is about a cicada who does nothing but work and gets treated very badly. The ending is superb and wonderful.
I absolutely adored this book. The gorgeous artwork and the story together made it a fun read! The story is about a cicada who does nothing but work and gets treated very badly. The ending is superb and wonderful.
Umm...okay. Not sure what this just was, but it was short and interesting. Difficult not to read from a feminist perspective.
The photo prompt for 10/11-10/13 #BookBattle is #Transformation so I'm going with a favorite werewolf, Lupin. Illustration by Jim Kay.
This was a fun little swap!! Thank you @Kdgordon88 for the amazing package!! I love everything! Bruiser approves, lol #leoseason #transformation #lss #lammassmallswap
Love- inspirational- thought provoking
Heck yeah!
We should drink some wine to celebrate the crushing pressure of life over our shoulders!
Who says, CHEERS? 🍷
#bepositive #positivity #rewireyourbrain #chooseartnotvice #letpaindoitsshit #wine #underpressure #darkness #letsbealightinthedarkness #bealight #feelings ##writers #authors #woman #transformation #girlpower #neverforget #bepatient #selfcare #youarebeautiful #iseeyou #love #friends #breathe #live
Book mail always makes me happy 🤗📖
So glad I got this on a whim last weekend (blurbed by Virginia Woolf!). A reverse Beauty and the Beast fable, where a respectable woman is inexplicably transformed into a fox. Her devoted husband‘s love is challenged as the transformation becomes more than surface level. It‘s a moving allegory for all the changes we see in people we love, and abt loving someone for who they are, not who they used to be or who you want them to be.
I seem to have developed a taste for this author. This was silly, light hearted and fun. For something 90 years old it's not as problematic as you might expect though it has a couple of well worn tropes, they're not ones that are exclusive to old books.
The story concerns a man who starts to randomly turn into different animals. So that probably tells you what you need to know about how serious it is.