I've order a special edition of Wayward Son but it won't arrive for another week and a half. I'm so tempted to just buy the kindle edition while I wait, but at the same time, I've just started another book 😭🤔
#bookwormproblems #ToBuyOrNotToBuy #SnowBaz
reading_rainbow i pre ordered this one and i‘m waiting for it to send off 😭 i can‘t wait 5y
WeeWeegieBookworm @reading_rainbow I feel your pain!! Its just more annoying that the kindle version is already sitting there, tempting me, while the hardcopy isn't released (in the UK at least) till 3rd October 😭😭 5y
reading_rainbow @WeeWeegieBookworm ohhh yes, oct 3rd what torture!! don‘t give in! haha i love the UK cover art btw baz in that suit 🌺💕😭 5y
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