Done with week one? Check!
Broke 300 pages yesterday? Check!
Read another #Thirty3Pages today? Check!
I am overwhelmed and uber impressed with my #JulyIsStrange read-a-long readers!!
Done with week one? Check!
Broke 300 pages yesterday? Check!
Read another #Thirty3Pages today? Check!
I am overwhelmed and uber impressed with my #JulyIsStrange read-a-long readers!!
Week one down! Hundreds of pages read with hundreds and 3 weeks to go!!! Happy reading Littens! XoXo #JulyIsStrange #Thirty3Pages
A Friday spent inside my #Thirty3Pages for my #JulyIsStrange read-a-long is a Friday well spent!
Finally got this one in the mail yesterday. Just finished my #Thirty3pages for #JulyIsStrange for the day and starting on Rushdie tonight. #TheSatanicVersesBuddyRead #IWastedAllOfJulyFourthChasingAwayAMigraine #AtLeastiHaveBooks #WhatEvenAreTheseHashtags
While this goal was technically achieved last night, today will securely lock the #JulyIsStrange read-a-long readers into over 100 pages read #Thirty3Pages at a time!
Today's #JulyIsStrange read-a-long #Thirty3Pages are sponsored by Lambrusco. Because a good glass or two of wine and a good book ought to go hand in hand.
I fell at work yesterday. For the most part, I'm okay, but I landed badly enough that I'm stuck in bed today with my pain levels through the roof (yay #fibromyalgia). So this stack is going to be my day. Time to get going on today's #thirty3pages for #JulyisStrange!
I've had this doorstopper on my TBR forever, but I only noticed the #JulyIsStrange readalong last night. I'm joining in impulsively even though I had a few things on deck! Managed to catch up and do two sets of #Thirty3Pages today and enjoying it so far 😊
About to tackle another #Thirty3pages for #JulyIsStrange & the bf goes "wait, aren't you going to read it to me again?" And I'm like you want me to read you a thousand page book, 33 pages at a time? Seriously?" Him: "I need to know what happens next. Besides, that should keep you alive and wife number 732 at bay."
Y'all my boyfriend just casually dropped a scheherazade reference into everyday conversation. I'll read him all the words he wants.