Looking forward to listening to audio of #TheDaughtersofTemperanceHobb which is the sequel to #ThePhysickBookofDeliveranceDane
Looking forward to listening to audio of #TheDaughtersofTemperanceHobb which is the sequel to #ThePhysickBookofDeliveranceDane
Battered copy of The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane ready for annual fall re-read #1. Does anyone else have fav seasonal re-read books or is it just me😂. #katherinehowe #fallbooks #thephysickbookofdeliverancedane #halloween
Day 30 of 31: Bookish Pet Peeve. Deckled edges! They're neat and pretty, but it's a pain when turning the page.
#lilbookishaugust #bookishpetpeeve #everland #myladyjane #thephysickbookofdeliverancedane #SistersOfTreason #QueensGambit #TheRedQueen #TheLadyOfTheRivers #decklededge
Day 12 of 31: Deckled Edges.
#lilbookishaugust #booknerd #bookobsessed #bookish #booklover #bookchallenge #bookaddict #bookworm #yalit #ireadya #MyLadyJane #Everland #adultlit #ThePhysickBookOfDeliveranceDane #SistersOfTreason #QueensGambit #TheRedQueen #TheLadyOfTheRivers #historicalbooks #fantasybooks #steampunk #bookishphotochallenge #decklededges