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I am very grateful for President Trump and his leadership. Hopefully the Coronavirus will slow down soon and we can get back to the business of making America Great Again!
BookishMeIf I may ask respectfully, you had voted for him and continue to support him?5y
CrazeediLet's take all the precautions for people at risk and let the rest of the country use common sense and get back to work. We cant let this country be destroyed so there is nothing left for our children and grandchildren5y
EadieB@BookishMe Yes I have supported him all the way and will continue to support him. I believe history will call him the best president the US has ever had. The statistics will prove that too!5y
Crazeedi@AlaMich actually a Stanford epidemiologist just published a peer reviewed article with stats showing that the sanitary recommendations were better at slowing down the spread than other recs. And the percentage of deaths will end up being less than influenza. Hopefully we will remember these things and the flu season will be less deadly. Why do you think my comment won't work for this virus? Is there a study that you are basing on?5y
Crazeedi@EadieB yes we will certainly see more statistics as more people are tested and the scientists evaluate. I have a feeling this virus has been here much longer than we thought. My sister had a horrible "flu" the end of November that took her a month to completely recover5y
Trashcanman@EadieB I'm not saying anything I'm just looking at the comments.5y
Crazeedi@EadieB I hope he continues to think of the country and keeps us all safe, he has great advisors and experts to help him.5y
EadieB@Trashcanman Ok I just thought you were saying something. You may be surprised by the Trump supporters. They are out there but remain very quiet as not to stir up the hatred.5y
Trashcanman@EadieB My brothers one, it makes for great conversation to say the least.5y
ljulielThis is the final straw. I‘ve had to block all these virus hashtags for days. This is NOT the CoronaVirus Hotline. It‘s a BOOK GROUP. I‘m sick to death of all this stuff. This post is the final straw. We each have the right to VOTE for who we want, but to THANK the lamest president we‘ve had in my 62 years on the planet ? That‘s it. It‘s sad to see what Litsy has become. No wonder membership has dropped so low. It just dropped one lower.5y
EadieB@ljuliel Sorry Julie but this is a book. I didn't ask you to vote for anybody.5y
TheAromaofBooksIn general, I like to keep away from politics on social media in general and Litsy especially, but I wanted to say that I think it's perfect reasonable for you to post a review of a book supporting the president you like. I see loads of people posting books by/about the Obamas and no one gives them any flack for that, because it's their opinion on a book they read. That's what living in a free country is all about!5y
blankThe comments on this post are gonna be a train wreck.5y
EadieB@TheAromaofBooks Right! Nobody said anything about Michelle Obama's book. I wouldn't read it but I would never get upset if someone liked her book or said anything about it. The hatred of Trump is unbelievable!5y
TrashcanmanI think now you know why I put the eyes 👁️👁️5y
EadieB@laurenslibrary Oh well! At least we can get our feelings out! Because there are strong feelings against him, then I should be quiet? Sorry if anyone is offended but they will just have to get over it. We all have choices.5y
blank@EadieB No Idc what you post. I'm just sayin... this could get ugly5y
EadieB@Trashcanman If anyone doesn't like the comments then just move onto the next post.5y
Books88... like when he called the virus a hoax???5y
EadieB@AJBowers Not everybody is perfect! But now he is doing a great job getting so many experts together. I wish it was a hoax!5y
Trashcanman@EadieB I'm an Anarchist in strictly the way Noam Chomsky has has defined it as. Not in the way it's been misappropriated. Nothing offends me. One can post as one wishes.5y
Crazeedi@ljuliel dont you believe in free speech? I dont agree with half the comments on litsy, but I don't take it personally! I'm not so triggered that I cant take reading opposing viewpoints. That's how our country has survived and thrived, brme5y
Crazeedi@ljuliel because we respect all races, creeds and points of view. The media has destroyed civility imo. Shame on them.5y
Books88@Crazeedi it's a legit question, he did call the virus a hoax and now my husband is working the front lines of this. I am entitled to MY opinion that he has handled this and many many other things poorly.5y
DrSabrinaMoldenReadsYou seem to be a well-read intelligent person. Have you been keeping up with the things he has been saying? Why is he calling this a “Chinese Virus? Why he is so rude in how he talks to people? I really could go on and on with my questioning.(edited) 5y
DrSabrinaMoldenReadsI am glad folks are being open so I will know who to unfollow.5y
EadieB@Joyfulmimi Did not the virus start in Wuhan China? Why are people so rude to him? He‘s only rude to those who deserve it; such as, reporters who lie about him etc. Trump supporters love that he speaks his mind and stands up to those who don‘t like him. I don‘t like everything he says and does but he‘s been great for our economy. Why would you unfollow people for a different opinion? Is that really nice?(edited) 5y
DrSabrinaMoldenReadsI do not. choose to mingle on any level with anyone who supports a racist. That‘s because I am a kind and loving person. It makes me sad that politics was brought into Litsy. I have no more comments about any of this.(edited) 5y
DrSabrinaMoldenReadsI never argue with anyone about anything really. I just move on.5y
CoverToCoverGirlI‘ll respectfully disagree. I have been greatly impacted by this virus as have many others worldwide. My lovely 16 year old business, an actual brick and mortar bookstore, is flatlining. As sad and terrifying it is for me, keeping people home is the right decision - full stop. I have not nor will I ever vote my pocketbook. The mere suggestion of putting people at risk deliberately for money is totally repulsive to me. Sadly the wave is coming.5y
Eggs@EadieB Gratitude is such a powerful feeling-it opens your heart and mind to more possibilities and joys, and in turn, more gratitude💜💗❤️♥️. Great choice!5y
EadieB@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks A lot of people don‘t realize that the media lies to them and one day when they wake up in an America they don‘t recognize they will say, “How did this happen?” And then it will be too late! But I‘m confident that Trump will win as the silent majority of America does not like what is happening to our country5y
Books88@EadieB one thing I've noticed about Trump followers is that they're definitely not "silent". It's terrifying how many people still support him.5y
Elizabeth2@EadieB I wish I had seen this post 7 mod ago when you posted. I wouldn‘t have felt so alone in my thinking on this platform for as long. ❤️ Thank you for having the courage to say what I have not. Fear of backlash is real, and there are many, many silent Trump supporters because of it. I would have crawled over broken glass to cast my vote.4y
EadieB@Elizabeth2 Many times I have thought about leaving Litsy and I almost did today until I saw Megan's post and knew I had to support her. If we can't feel comfortable posting our feelings, then why are we here? Then I thought about all the nice people I have met and knew I would let them down if I left. I told myself, “Stay strong and show your support for President Trump as he would support me with his whole heart!“4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks@EadieB interesting to reread these comments… I wonder what people truly think now after everything that‘s been happening…3y
EadieB@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Joe Biden has ruined our economy, has made a mess of COVID issues, he removed our troops from Afghanistan before our America citizens were able to come home and all The Afghanistan people who helped our soldiers will now be killed and 13 of our soldiers have been killed and their blood in on Biden‘s hands and yet he is not being held accountable. Just imagine if Trump did all the crazy stuff Biden has done esp. our borders3y (edited) 5y