Reading this book as a teen, Esther's thoughts and feelings were so close to my own that it felt totally contemporary. And then I'd come across an undeniably '50s reference and my brain would melt - like when Jay Cee "pinned on a hat of imitation lilacs" and patted Esther's shoulder with a "lilac-gloved hand". Hats and gloves? In the daytime?! At work?? Must be a fantasy world! Anyway, enjoy these pics of 1950s lilac hats; which one's your fave?
Andrea313 #HashtagBrigade #OfficeBusywork #DontLetTheWickedCityGetYouDown #GreatAdvice #50sFashionIsSoWeird #EsthersPoorMom #Fingerbowls #PhilomenaGuineaIsAGreatName #TechnicolorMakesHerPuke #Terrible50sFoodMadeHerPuke #TooMuchVomit #LadiesDayBribePresents #DoreenShouldDumpLenny 1mo
BkClubCare Lower right! 1mo
Andrea313 @BkClubCare Saaaaaame! 💜 1mo
dabbe @Andrea313 @BkClubCare #dittotwice! 1mo
tpixie Lower right! 💜💜💜 1mo
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