LOOK what came in the mail today @sprainedbrain one of my birthday gifts from the hubby. I legitimately am doing nothing else but reading this series! #chunksterchallenge #teamorion
LOOK what came in the mail today @sprainedbrain one of my birthday gifts from the hubby. I legitimately am doing nothing else but reading this series! #chunksterchallenge #teamorion
@sprainedbrain this book! Y‘all I was literally yelling at the book (yes, I tend to do that a lot when I get into a read I can‘t put down!) I couldn‘t turn the pages fast enough. I laughed and I may or may not have (totally did) grab for the Kleenex box. Can‘t wait to read book 6. #teamorion #chunksterchallenge
Ok, it is done. Until December 11, and if that isn‘t the last book in this series, and if it doesn‘t end with at least a little happiness, I will riot.
Book 7 was long and slow, but there was so much I loved about it. The bright spots were amazingly bright and just an absolute joy to read, the battle scenes were pretty epic, and we were rewarded for our suffering in previous books with some epic payoffs.
But the end is crushing. 😫
Apparently all I do now is read this godsdamned series until there are none left to read. So much for my reading plans this week/month. I have two more monster chunksters to go until I‘m caught up, so I guess I will just read those until my kindle dies or my eyes bleed. 😫
This one has genuine character development, although it also has confusing power dynamics, and the authors continue to actively try to rip our hearts out. Fun times.