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This Rough Magic | Mary Stewart
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What? Now the heroine finds that the potential bad guy has a banned book (which a group of Littens just read together)! And she better know, even if he's not a killer, he's a wacko dude if he's reading this racist, misogynistic book. 😱😱

#toc #tocreadalong #coincidentalreading

PurpleyPumpkin No kidding! 😂 8y
KVanRead Lol! Run. Away. The reading coincidences are strong with this one. Love how that happens. 8y
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Tropic of Cancer | Henry Miller
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Giving this a so-so. While I disliked most of it, and rage read good portions of it, the writing is brilliant and breathtaking at times and does represent a breakthrough in literary history. But it is also deeply misogynist and racist in a way that can't simply be written off as 'the times.' It's been compared to Whitman but to me it's the antithesis —so preoccupied with darkness, death and decay. Whitman inspires me. This is just depressing.

PurpleyPumpkin Ugh, yes, depressing. Great review!👍🏼 8y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Great review! I was thinking of Persepolis next, but I need something happier. I need this one for #ReadHarder also 8y
KVanRead @BarbaraTheBibliophage I'm planning to read that for ReadHarder too! 8y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Hahaha. Apparently we are book twins! 😘 8y
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Tropic of Cancer | Henry Miller
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2.5 stars Have you ever known a twenty-something young man who arrogantly believes he knows everything about everything? This is 319 pages of that guy, mostly while he's drunk or high. It's just a whiny bigoted blog, albeit with moments of brilliance.

Longer review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/1777545523


beagle.mama Isn't this the book Jerry owed the library in that Seinfeld episode? The one with the librarian named Mr. Bookman. 8y
PurpleyPumpkin I am still struggling with this one! Ugh, I'll be glad when I'm done. I'm gonna finish it because I don't think l be going back to it. Ever. 😕 8y
DGRachel Kudos to you for sticking it out (I'm so glad I bailed!). 🤓 8y
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LauraBeth I can remember being in my early 20s and having someone in their 40s say, "if you ever meet a man and he tells you he likes Henry Miller, run far, far away..." 8y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @beagle.mama Believe it or not, I didn't watch that show. I've only seen a few episodes. But, I did think of it while reading this book, which is also about a whole lot of nothing. 😎 8y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @PurpleyPumpkin @DGRachel I just decided to power through it this weekend. I hated seeing it waiting all the time. But ugh. 8y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @LauraBeth Wise words! 😎 8y
DGRachel @LauraBeth 😂😂😂😂 8y
Kathrin @LauraBeth And now we know why!! 😂😂😂 8y
Kathrin Okay... so what are we going to tackle next???? 8y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Kathrin I'm open to suggestions! What do you think? 8y
Kathrin @BarbaraTheBibliophage If we stay with banned books and avoid books that have been banned for obscenity (#toomuchpenis) then how about... 8y
KVanRead Was planning to finish it last week, but after Tuesday it was pretty much the last thing I wanted to read. It's due back at the library tomorrow but I just can't do it right now. I'm so close to done. Ugh. Maybe tomorrow. 8y
KVanRead When I return TOC I'm picking up my next read which also happens to be a banned book 8y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @kvanread Persepolis is one of the last few books I have on my list for the #ReadHarder challenge! @Kathrin I'd be up for reading about snow and cold in Russia during my winter. It'll make me feel warm! 8y
Kathrin @BarbaraTheBibliophage Persepolis sounds interesting! 8y
KVanRead @BarbaraTheBibliophage I'm reading it for ReadHarder as well! 8y
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Tropic of Cancer | Henry Miller
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Well, this isn't exactly a #bookandbrew, but my rye & soda with a splash of ginger ale is my go-to drink at the end of a long work day. This is my current read and it's making me cranky! I'm aiming to finish it by the weekend. *fingers crossed* #TOC #TOCreadathon
#ToCreadalong #day9 #photoadaynov16

Kirstin I love rye & ginger too! Yum! 8y
PurpleyPumpkin @Kirstin Isn't it the best?😉🍸 8y
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Tropic of Cancer | Henry Miller
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This quote really smacks of coy self-promotion and apologia to me because quite frankly I'm not sure there's one cohesive page of greatness in this book. There are lots of snippets of brilliance but the bloated, self-important sewage you have to wade through for it is enough to make me want to punch the self-indulgent, superior misogynist right in the kisser! Still glad I'm reading it, but rage reading it half the time.😂 #TOCReadalong

katedensen I think I have to pause my reading...I'm so so so so so (ad nauseam) behind. 8y
KVanRead @katedfisher I'm on track to finish next week and send it back to the library. I'm so close now I'll definitely finish but I can see why anyone might want to pause or bail. It's quite an experience!! 8y
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PurpleyPumpkin I admit it, I'm having a hard time going back to it. I haven't yet given up though! Your comments are spot on btw. You captured my feelings precisely!👌🏼 8y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Bloated is certainly true. Misogyny is absolutely true. It was more tolerable last weekend when I was a little stoned on medications. I am planning to power through the last 100 pages soon. 😝😝😡😡 8y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Next time, can we co-read something more pleasant please? @katedfisher @KVanRead @PurpleyPumpkin 8y
Kathrin I would love to do another read along with you guys and yes please something more pleasant... but how are we supposed to know?? 😱😱😱😱😆 8y
ApoptyGina69 I get how it was so revolutionary and controversial and blew people's minds and I love his passion for writing and living, but I have a personal rule of jettisoning any book with #toomuchpenis. 8y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @ApoptyGina69 Oh my there's a hashtag! 😜 8y
KVanRead @katedfisher @PurpleyPumpkin @BarbaraTheBibliophage @Kathrin @ApoptyGina69 Great to come back to the comments thread and see all the fun you've been having! Yes, let's do another that doesn't require meds and isn't guilty of #toomuchpenis. 😂😂😂 8y
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Kindred | Octavia E. Butler
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Plus, still chugging along with David Copperfield on Serial Reader and enjoying listening to Confederacy of Dunces on my walks. #TOCReadalong continues. Excited to finally start Kindred for @LitsyFeministBookClub and Library at Mount Char for @litsybookclub @RealLifeReading #photoadaynov16

RealLifeReading Loved Binti! 8y
KVanRead @RealLifeReading My library hold for the ebook just came in. Now I'm torn in which to read first. 8y
katedensen I am SO behind the #TOCReadathon. October was crazy. 8y
Gezemice Binti and Kindred are both excellent! 8y
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Tropic of Cancer | Henry Miller
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I finally don't hate this book. Not that I love it, but I've settled into his odd cadence of non-story telling writing. Still struggling with his incredible bigoted nature though. Almost caught up too.



JanuarieTimewalker13 @BarbaraTheBibliophage I really liked TOCancer...Henry Miller seemed like a fun guy...there's a great video of him on YouTube:"Asleep and Awake", I watched it about 5 years ago...tried to get into TOCap, but put it down...one day I will try again! 8y
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Tropic of Cancer | Henry Miller
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Today's plan. Couch. And 80 pages from our #tocreadalong book! I can do it, right? 😜 #toc #tropicofcancer

Tropic of Cancer | Henry Miller
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Tropic of Cancer | Henry Miller
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😂😂😂This is probably my favorite part of this crazy book so far. Weirdly, I find it to be the most profound and the funniest bit I've read. Miller's unabashed embrace of the sh*t of life, both figurative and literal is pretty off-putting most of the time, but here it works! #TOC #TOCreadalong #bannedbookchallenge @Kathrin @BarbaraTheBibliophage @PurpleyPumpkin @gibblr @katedfisher

BarbaraTheBibliophage I have to agree. I liked this part the most of what I've read so far. It is the closest to storytelling Miller has gotten so far. 💩 8y
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