My annual visit to Field Notes HQ to pick up this year‘s Tournament of Books Rooster notebooks. #TOB2018
Giving this book another attempt because of #tob2018. My first try resulted in a bail because I find 20 something‘s search for identity tiresome at this stage of my life, but I am interested in the non-romance aspect as I am REALLY tired of girl gets boy lives happily ever after trope. Also have to admit to some sour grapes on my part because I didn‘t get to go to an ivy and still bitter about it. #kindle #libby
Results are in for this matchup and the zombies are revealed.... happy that I‘ve read three of the Final Four with the as yet unread book owned and in my TBR. https://themorningnews.org/tob/2018/pachinko-v-exit-west.php #TOB #TOB18 #TOB2018 #morningnews #Tournamentofbooks
A deeply moving and beautifully written account of an unimaginable tragedy. The story is told in fragments that differ in time and point of view, and it is through these fragments that we piece together the whole story. Excellent way to end my #TOB2018 reading! I'm done ya'll! I had two bails (both out of the competition now) but otherwise I read all the shortlisted books. Can't wait to see who wins!
A visceral description of the fear and violence of the childhood of an impoverished, gay boy in rural France. This is poverty on a scale most of us are fortunate enough to not even be able to imagine, and yet Eddy's family still manages to find some even less fortunate to criticize in order to mask the shame they feel about their own circumstances. Because these descriptions are so searingly clear, this was a difficult read, but worth the effort.
It took me a while to figure out what I thought was going on, as I went into this book completely cold (just trying to read as many of the #ToB books as possible). It ended up passing my “unique, but not TOO strange” test. #tournamentofbooks #ToB2018
Loving this year‘s Tournament of Books so far!!! #TOB2018 #TOB #TOB18
Here‘s tomorrow‘s matchup. Will they keep on keeping on with the shakeups?
I‘m betting on it. And, although I think the cover is a yawn, my pick is Dear Cyborgs.