In case you weren‘t aware ... free audio of American Pharoah from Audible because Audible the horse came in 3rd today at the Kentucky Derby 🐎 #spreadthebookishlove #whodoesntlovefree
In case you weren‘t aware ... free audio of American Pharoah from Audible because Audible the horse came in 3rd today at the Kentucky Derby 🐎 #spreadthebookishlove #whodoesntlovefree
This baby is almost good to go to be sent to my #SecretSantaGoesPostal match tomorrow after work! So excited and hope my match loves my gift choices ❤️🎁📦📮 This is my second year of doing this and it‘s my absolute FAVORITE #SpreadTheBookishLove #MerryChristmasYaFilthyBookworm