Mailed my Valentines Day cards today! Here‘s hoping they make it!
Mailed my Valentines Day cards today! Here‘s hoping they make it!
The novel finally came and now my #BestOf2020 package is on its way to you, Cynthia! I hope you like (and/or haven‘t read) my pick. It‘s been just the positive little story I needed while the lockdown(s) were getting long and tiresome. Thanks for organising @candority , putting this sentimental little box together was a nice incentive to help find courage to look forward to 2021! I hope everything arrives safely. 🐌💌 #snailmaillove
#SelfieScavengerHunt wrapping presents/envelopes for the #HolidayCardSwap that I sent on their way aaaaaaalll the way from Cologne to Australia, USA and Canada today to spread some festive #snailmaillove. #TeamReadNosedReindeer +16
Hey there pen pal! @therealdealbeall Wpuld you like to email me your address and we can dive in? My email is lovamoreno@outlook.com. Can‘t wait to get to know you! #penpals #snailmaillove