This 2015 photo showed up in my Time Hop today. I had it made into a mousepad for work and see it daily, but I still love it a lot. I call it my daughter's Scout Finch photo.
#ScoutFinch #TKaM #ToKillAMockingbird #HarperLee
This 2015 photo showed up in my Time Hop today. I had it made into a mousepad for work and see it daily, but I still love it a lot. I call it my daughter's Scout Finch photo.
#ScoutFinch #TKaM #ToKillAMockingbird #HarperLee
It's #bannedbooksweek so I'm going to feature a different banned book each day! Today it's the one and only, To Kill a Mockingbird. If you didn't read this in school you missed out (and honestly, even if you did read it in school, you should read it again!) #bannedbooks #tokillamockingbird #scoutfinch #atticusfinch #booradley